Friday, May 18, 2007

for some reason, i keep playing meplalian over and over again,
the recording of during syf.

maybe i've come to really like choir, maybe i've come to really enjoy the singing, maybe i've come to love how the choir blends in with each other, maybe i've really come to feel the passion for the music.

what i'm lacking now is, my techniques. its not like i haven't tried. maybe i'm born with a voice not as good. or just why can't i sing as well? you might just know, i do open my mouth and try my best to sing, really. most of the time they come out so soft, or i'll end up getting a sorethroat for the rest of the session.

wait. that's not the reason why i'm feeling emo, actually.

gee, whatever. today's just an emo day, talk about me getting amused with emo blogposts. this is just a great example of an emo post. maybe i'll get amused with this post like, a few days later.

but, i'll really like to thank everybody around me who had made me happy;
ngikhiong, leongying, annia, kaiying and ashley for talking to me yupyup.

wanzhen, yingzhi, sheena, terie, felicia, pamela, limying, meixuan jemimah, christopher, the 2d, 3l and choir people who talked to me heh.

i'm in a saying "i'm really glad to know you guys" kind of mood. do all emo people talk like that xD
lol thanks for talking to me yup, really felt better to know there's people who are there to cheermeup ^^

okay here's an overview of my results, they're really screwed.

english was pulled down by my summary, zzz..
somehow i'm quite okay with the compre cause apparently only 2 people scored same marks as me. but its still uber lousy. i like my compo alot, and the comment mrtan gave. hello, i love geog, i told you^^ i'll type my compo out here one day, then you'll be influenced to save the earth! xD basically, english grade was expected, my normal B range, and as mswong puts it, we should work harder so that we can score in the A range. i'll read more during the holidays.

chinese..pulled down by my gonghan and compre.
okay lets see, zuowen was just an average, 49/70. and to think i get 50/60 during my lower sec days..such a great deprovement =X gonghan was just screwed, with 2 marks deducted for ge shi. and i was disappointed in my compre, yes. because i thought it was okay, but in the end, got something like 24 our of the 40 marks? great disappointment. kou shi dropped from a 19 last year to a 14.5 this year. pretty screwed too. and don't mention gonghan, barely passed. i'll have to read more books too.

i can't stand my chinese marks really. i'll get a B on my report card (hopefully if they count ca they might pull it up to just A?) ugly grade for my third favourite subject! ): i even have to say?
yes, i flunked it. by like, 8 makes out of the 40. but i know i can work even harder for amaths, i'll try my best to get a B next term. as my mom puts it, its not like i failed by alot, so catching up is still okay. i'll work hard for this.

emaths..careless mistakes here and there, on the whole the paper ain't too difficult though.
so i still didn't get my A. zzz, look at all those careless mistakes please, i think i didn't have enough energy that day or something. many marks lost due to sets, and i've not done most of the sets questions..indices and surds and squares are the nicest things in maths, really.

geography really was okay. told you it was my favourite subject.
to speak the truth, it ain't really that good either, scraped a mere 75%, and i'll surely be pulled down by my common test anyway, so its an A2 for me ): what else can i say? natural vegetations rock and again, we'll have to work much harder. EMMA LOVES GEOG ALOTALOT.

history was quite okay as well, hmm, just that it was pulled up by CA1, SA1 weren't that good.
yes, i only got the A because of my last term's ct results. the midyears paper wasn't good.

mryao: "only one hero in the whole class did question 3"
i bet it was used in the sarcastic tone zzz, yupyup, i'm that person who did question 3, the most difficult question of all 3. who asked me to forget about the rest -.- brainblock? zzz...
okay thank my luckystars ca was counted.

Social studies sucked hell, screwed up big time. i can't believe myself. really, this sucks alot. it pulls my combined humans by around 4-5 grades. so now, i won't have a nice number for my history. this is so unlucky and bad. social studies i boring propaganda.

bio, i only studied a day before the exam, what can you expect? 68.5-.-
k its expected too, only option is to work harder and make mspoh happy :D

chem, okay and i thought my chem was good compared to last year, at least in common tets. but they always score between the 68-69 range every year without fail. nothing higher, nothing lower. know what, i'll break the cycle and aim to score for chemistry. its my second favourite subject. EMMA LOVES CHEM..

yup that's it for my pathetic marks, if they don't put you into bridging for failure of individual subjects, there would be a change i'm safe. don't know, we shall see.

and oh, we had choir today, and i really liked this session.

surprisingly it seemed so short, i think i like the soprano section with this amount of people. it feels more warm somehow.

we sang our all time favourites!

1) lukluk lumbu (i love this the most)
2) ave maris stella! (^^)
3) dorven dalai (how on earth do you spell this, this song is total love)
4) Roads!
5) voyage of songs! (a flight of angels...)
6) meplalian! (yayyy! i've been singing it the whole day!)
7) SALMO 150! SALMO 150! one of my personal favourites. at least those i've heard other choirs sing. Lalalala, lalala, lalalalala....

yes all the songs i love! singing is uber fun yupyup! sectionals were hmm, interesting? we could never get the fast parts right, so in the end we sang stuff like lalala, or oooo in the fast parts o.O

anyway these songs are to be sung on wed's principal thing, and MJC concert would be on thursday. dhsviolin concert with annia on 25th may. banana workshop 21st june at VJC. wheeee so many activities.

and know what, my vocab is limited T.T

so i'm not feeling emo anymore. weird. i won't just sit here and cry, i swear i'll work hard during the holidays and next term. watch me.


(bytheway, isketch is like the most fun online game i've played so far ^^)

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